The Fundamentals Of Effective Web Development

Web development
Surviving in the modern fast-paced corporate world of the 21st century requires possession of certain important essentials, among which a strong online presence plays a key role. Without a proper website portraying your business, brand and products/services elaborately, you cannot expect to do very well. And for owning a good website, smart and strategic web development is what’s needed the most.

Let’s take a quick look at the fundamentals of effective web development:

Affinity Towards Flat Design

A deviation from the previous practice of using too much animation & flashy illustrations, flat design is aimed mainly at ensuring simplicity of a website – open and clean spaces, bright tones, crisp edges and 2D images. Illustrations made using contrasting but bold colors mainly catch the eye of users by conveying messages quickly when it comes to flat design.

loading time

Loading Performance

Let’s admit it, nobody likes a website with pages that take ages to load entirely on a screen. A site with fast loading encourages better user experience, which in turn triggers higher conversions. No wonder loading performance is an important factor in good web development these days.
Web Development

Video/GIF As Background

Setting a video as the background of a website is a new trend among web developers and also an effective way to bring forth more visitors. However, proper optimization of length and size of the video is essential for ensuring good loading speed.


Chat Bots

Although not new in the realm of web development, chat bots are quickly becoming popular because of their ability to streamline sales processes and positively affect the overall performance of an online business.

mobile responsive

Device Responsive Design

When a website is described as responsive, it means that the site offers an optimal viewing experience on all kinds of devices, be it desktops, laptops, tablets, mobiles or pads. Device responsive design increases traffic by cutting down on bounce rates and encouraging more engagement.


Skeleton Screens

To explain it simply, skeleton screens imply easy to complicated – loading the page of a website in sections, especially for pages having different data formats. The data is organized from simple to complex, for allowing visitors to anticipate what’s next.

call to action

CTA With Animation

Call to action is a serious influencer of visitor’s attention and an extremely important feature of business or ecommerce web development. Hence, with addition of some subtle animation to the CTA buttons, there can be visible positive changes in the interest of users for a website.


Search Engine Optimisation

SEO and web development go hand-in-hand, since an SEO-compatible web design is bound to get more traffic. As long as a site is search-engine friendly, most of the big search engines out there, such as Google, Bing, etc. would be able to gain access to its content. This in turn would have a positive impact on search rankings.



Secured web development is a vital essential these days. No client wishes to patronize a website that is not effectively fortified against hackers, identity thieves & spammers. There are plenty of risks threatening the integrity of websites – DDoS, password attacks, spam, interception, phishing, injection, malware and inside attacks. Good security enables search engines to classify a website as trustworthy, which ultimately leads to better traffic.

Thus, if you wish to achieve a successful online presence for your business, make sure that these guidelines are meticulously taken into account throughout the development of your website.


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